Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Leaving Roma...Lost at Trevi Fountain

On the Train

Emma at Trevi
The Skinny Bathroom

Trevi Fountain
Gen's Room out at our apt. in Rome

St. Peter's Square Christmas Eve

Georgia, Emma and my's room The Vatican: midnight mass
Leaving Rome was an epic first day of riding for Georgia and I. It was hard enough navigating the narrow one way cobble streets with racing cars and motor bikes, but on top of it all there were tourists. We decided to stop by the famous Trevi Fountian on the way to the train station for a quick last second tourist fill of the Roman sights. It was something I had wanted to do and it seemed relativily practical. Emma was able to navigate us there very quickly, all the while bumping along the small roads. We burst out of one narrow street into the throngs of tourists snapping photos and thwoing coins (over 3,000 euro is thrown into the Trevi Fountain each day). We soon became part of the spectacle with numerous people asking us where we were from, wanting to shake our hands and cheer us on.

We left the fountain quickly finding oursleves on a busy, wide, paved, road that soon turned into a scary looking tunnel. Retreat, retreat, u-turn. Rome was a perfect place to practice the signs that Emma and Gen had intorduced to us the previous day, slow down\stop, u-turn, turning left\right and bump\hole\rubble. We headed back towards the fountain, stopping a couple blocks from it so Emma and Georgia could look at the cartoon map we had to Rome to figure out our next move. They soon took off and Gen and I quickly followed, unfourtuantly tour group number 27 got between us. Gen ringed her bell and we said sucsi but nothing seemed to work, the mass of people kept coming filling in all space between us and Emma and Georgia. As soon as we had taken off the two of them had disapeared in the crowds. With many little roads leading in out of the fountian and surrounding area we had no idea which road to take. We were seperated. Gen and I decided to head down to the fountain in hopes that they had noticed we were not behind them. There was no sign of them at the fountain so we went in the direction we thought was right, no sign of them. We went back to the fountain, no sign. We made a plan, wait ten minuets, if there was no sign of them we would get a map and make our way to the train station.

After a couple minuets I decided to leave Gen with explicit instructions to not leave the fountain. I headed up the street where we had last seem them, the section was only 500 feet but it was slow progress due to the meandering people and cafe tables blocking the way. At a small side street I spoted Georgia panic eyed and looking concerned, her face soon turned to relief when she saw me. Reunited and it feeels so good! Emma quickly apeared and we babbled about what had happened. I went to retreive Gen and we were on our way again. We made it to the train station with no more problems, swiftly navigating traffic circles and large intersections. Even though we only road 5.3 miles it was still very epic.

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